We are a bible school, first of its kind in Malawi with a vision of seeing Christians so well-trained and skillfully operating in the fullness of God’s word that they are equipped to teach others to do the same with faith, integrity and excellence. Assist the church in Malawi grow in number and stand for the truth.

We are located in Mitundu Lilongwe Malawi.


Training & Teaching

Preaching and Teaching.

Our History


Vinjero C Gondwe Enrolled to study at Zambia School of Biblical Studies

Vinjero C Gondwe Enrolled to study at Zambia School of Biblical Studies

Vinjero C Gondwe from Area 36 Church of Christ in Lilongwe, Malawi was enrolled to study at Zambia School of Biblical Studies for two years

While there he met visiting Bible teachers Davie Amos, Rod Rutherfold and Ronald Gilbert.Ron requested him if he could visit Malawi and indicated that he facilitate to establish a similar Bible school to Zambia school of Biblical Studies.

Madalitso Banda Enrolled with Zambia School of Biblical Studies

In 2014 Madalitso Banda of Mitundu Church of Christ was enrolled with Zambia School of Biblical Studies.

Churches in Lilongwe Organised a Gospel Meeting

Churches in Lilongwe Organised a Gospel Meeting

Ron with Brother Webby Kenawanyama were in attendance.

It is at this meeting that Preachers and Church elders requested Ron to open a preachers school in Lilongwe.

He positively accepted the request and immediately said that the school would start soon after Madalitso completed his two year course in Nov 2016.

Lilongwe School of Biblical Studies Opened on a Rented Building

Lilongwe School of Biblical Studies Opened on a Rented Building

It was opened in January 2017, on a rented house in Mitundu area with two bible teachers; Vinjero and Madalitso.

Land was Leased and Blocks Construction Started

Land was Leased and Blocks Construction Started

Stared with a hostel which was completed in July 2019

Followed by construction of a classroom and Library block.


2nd Intake of 22 students was enrolled in Jan 2019

So what Ron Gilbert promised to establish the Bible school became a reality.

Gospel Meeting Organised at Mitundu, Lilongwe near the School on August 9th

Gospel Meeting Organised at Mitundu, Lilongwe near the School on August 9th

To enable Ron and his delegation see the dream that came true and gave opportunity for the gathering which was about 5000 to view the new school and appreciate Gods work through Ron and many Brothers and sisters from USA who have untiringly assisted in this noble project financially and prayers.

Special Thanks

Families of Brother Napthali Banda and Austin Chivwati Gondwe for the help during the early days of the school, the school did not have a car but these men together with their families helped with their cars to help in transporting most of things bought for the new school.

They also helped in enrolling and transporting the first students of LSOBS from there homes to school since the school was new and it’s locations wasn’t clearly known to many.

Napthali Banda
Napthali Banda
Mrs & Mrs Austin Chivwati Gondwe
Mrs & Mrs Austin Chivwati Gondwe

Ronald Gilbert

We would like to open with the obvious: a well-deserved, heartfelt thank you. It always seems to be the architect that gets the praise at the end of it’s mega building project. Well, that’s not fair. Without you Bro Ron this school couldn’t have been where we are today. Your work will bring a lot of insights into the Holy Book, the Bible. All success is down to your skills and untiring application. Every day, we are amazed by the effort you put in and the sacrifices you make. We just want you all to know how much we appreciate all your hard work. Malawi is thankful for the work you and Carolyn has done and not forgetting all individuals and congregations who have worked tirelessly to support this noble work. Although you have faced some Although you have faced some challenges at times, you got the job done, on time and to specifications. You will always be remembered here. We love you. May God continue blessing your efforts. Amen.

Ronald Gilbert