Madalitso Banda

Madalitso Banda

He is single, Originally from Lilongwe , born and raised by Christian Parents ( members of Church of Christ). He is the first born child in a family of 5 children, all boys. He received training from Zambia School of Biblical Studies and graduated with Associate Degree in 2016.

In 2017 he obtained Bachelor Degree of Bible by 2019 he got Master of Arts in Bible through Distance learning from International Bible Teaching Ministries. He began working with Lilongwe School of Biblical Studies in 2016 as the Bible Instructor. He works with Mitundu Church of Christ as a preacher where his Father is also one of the Elders.

He has helped organizing and has spoken in numerous gospel meetings. organizing his congregation in door to door preaching. He teaches Youth classes at his congregation and he organizes relief distributions.