The campus of the Lilongwe School of Biblical Studies consists of three buildings. The building on the left has library and classroom. The building in the center has one dorm room and the bathing facility. The building on the right contains the dining hall, kitchen, and offices.

lilongwe school of biblical studies bathing facilityies
lilongwe school of biblical studies building


There are two main classes each week-day. The first is from nine to noon, and the second is from thirteen to sixteen. It is also equipped with maps, a chalkboard, and a pulpit


The library, which is next to classroom, houses books and study materials. There are also tables for individual studying. Students are able to access the library each weekday. Though the resources are limited, the library serves as a great asset and source of learning to students and faculty. Students will want to make full use of it.


There is one open dorm which house 15 to 20 students. The dorm is furnished with beds, mattresses, mosquito nets, and lockers. After spending time with fellow students and instructors, students will make friendships that will last a lifetime.


Breakfast is served after chapel and before the first class begins. Lunch is served around noon. Supper is served in the early evening. This hall easily accommodates all the students. No doubt, it is a favorite place for some of the men. Eating together builds relationships.


The lounge is a place for students to take a break from their studies. They can relax and enjoy themselves. There are tables on which to play games and/or just sit around and converse. Students can watch TV, play video games.